Lynn Kloft

Faith Formation Coordinator


I'm Lynn Kloft, Religious Ed and Family Faith Formation Coordinator at St. Matthew. I coordinate K-5 Sunday morning RE classes and the family faith formation group held monthly on the 2nd Wednesday. I also have the pleasure of putting together our week-long summer VBS and assisting with communion distribution.

I am married to Curtis Kloft and have lived in this area for 40 years in April, 2025. We have 4 grown kids (oldest and youngest are girls, 2 boys are in the middle) and 6 grandkids (oldest and youngest are girls, 4 boys are in the middle). We joined St. Matt's in the late 80's. I became a 2nd grade RE teacher over 30 years ago when our oldest daughter needed 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion instruction. I have been part of the RE program at St. Matt's ever since. 

I love tagging along with Curt to dance with others when we attend his many different band jobs on steel guitar, drums and bass guitar. I love to dig in the dirt while trying to plant different varieties of flowers and flowering plants. I love attending different types of informal groups as they work on bible studies and many varieties of prayer. I love taking our rescue dog on long walks. 

I have 2 part time jobs that help keep me young: substitute teacher for elementary grades in the Cedar Rapids public/parochial systems, and behind-the-wheel driver ed instructor for teens through Kirkwood Continuing Ed.

As you can see, I let God lead me all over the place learning new things and meeting lots of new people.