St. Matthew Catholic Community

Cedar Rapids, IA

Where We Began

"Saint Matthew Parish began in August 1922 when Archbishop James J. Keane assigned Father Daniel P. Mulcahy from Vinton to Cedar Rapids. He had no church at the time and only a few parishioners. In 1926 a combined brick church-school-rectory was completed and dedicated. The Sisters of Mercy staffed the school from the beginning and continue to be a part of the faculty to this day. During the ten years Father Behan was the pastor the parish grew from a dozen families to 240. The school grew from 40 students in 1926 to 200 by 1939." - Rev. Msgr. Edgar Kurt, "Parish Profile #207," The Witness, January 13, 1991

   Hello, if you are a current member of our St. Matthew Catholic Community, we celebrated our Parish's 100 Year of Spiritual Guidance in the community!  If you are not a current member, we invite you to go to our New Parishioner tab under About, and let's get you started in our community for the next Century of our Spiritual Guidance!   In the upcoming months this section will contain new information and photos added. We are excited to keep everyone informed about the community! We look forward to making some really great memories for everyone here to talk about for years and years to come!  Come join us in all our activities and see what speaks to you and your spiritual heart!